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Saya yakin semua pengunjung JohnSoftware sudah nggak asing lagi dengan yang namanya flashdisk. Benda kecil ini bisa dikatakan benda yang wajib dimiliki untuk saat ini, ibarat sayur tanpa garam. Benar tidak?? Ehm,, tapi pernahkah anda mengukur kecepatan transfer flashdisk kesayangan anda??
Nah, untuk mengetahui kecepatan transfer data (read/write) pada sebuah flashdisk atau media penyimpanan lainnya, sobat blogger bisa menggunakan aplikasi yang satu ini, yakni SpeedOut, Aplikasi Buat Tes Kecepatan Flashdisk.
Possibilities and advantages:
- Fully portable
- No need to reformat your drive
- Low-level technology
- Beautiful interface
- Easy to use - click2go
- No bugs as soon as you are not disasming it
- Short tests - realistic results.
- TOTALLY clean
- And, of course, free
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FaceBook Blaster Pro is the internets 1 Facebook friend adder marketing software tool. Internet marketers are experiencing a gold rush of web 3.0 FREE advertising to highly targeted leads on the fastest growing social network Facebook. Facebook Blaster Pro can run your marketing efforts on autopilot because automation is key to your success.
Sumber : All Is Free
Mencegah Komputer Terinfeksi Virus
Ada beberapa Tips untuk mencegah komputer Terinfeksi virus diantaranya:
Menginstalasi program antivirus yang terbaik.
Senantiasa melakukan update antivirus anda.
Menginstalasi service pack yang terbaru.
Senantiasa melakukan patch terhadap sistem operasi anda dengan patch terbaru
Tidak menjalankan program-program executable yang tidak jelas sumbernya, apalagi yang sudah jelas adalah virus
Tidak membuka email yang tidak relevan (baik dari subject maupun isinya) ataupun sumbernya yang tidak kita kenal.
Tidak mengunjungi situs-situs yang tidak relevan (situs dewasa, crack, hacking)
Melakukan sharing read only folder anda.
Menghindari pemakaian flashdisk/floppy
Tidak login dengan account Administrator
Untuk tips nomor 5, dapat mengunakan sebuah program yang namanya Trust-No-Exe didapat ditemukan di http://www.beyondlog...rust-no-exe.htm, dimana merupakan suatu executable file filter yang dimasukan ke sistem operasi untuk membatasi executable file .exe .com .dll .drv .sys .dpl dll yang berada difolder diluar dari lokasi yang anda tentukan (secara default adalah c:\windows dan c:\program files)
Selain cara-cara di atas, beberapa cara agar terhindar dari virus adalah:
1. Tampilkan ekstensi file (*.exe,*.doc,*.jpg,dll) dengan cara
Buka My Computer
Pilih Tools-Folder Option
Nonaktifkan/hilangkan tanda centang (V) di pilihan Hide Extensions For Known File Type.

2. Ubah ikon folder dengan ikon yang lain. Ini agar memudahkan kita dalam mengenali virus yang menyamar sebagai folder.
3. Menggunakan Linux sebagai sistem operasi kedua. Apabila akan mengkopi file sebaiknya dari Linux karena Linux lebih aman dari virus, meskipun bukan berarti di Linux tidak ada virus, tetapi sulit untuk menginfeksi Linux. Sekarang Linux tidak lagi susah. Yang Sulit adalah mengubah kebiasaan memakai Windows.
Sedikit tips di atas semoga bermanfaat.
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ensures computers are absolutely bulletproof, even when users have full access to system software and settings. Users get to enjoy a pristine and unrestricted computing experience, while IT personnel are freed from tedious helpdesk requests, constant system maintenance, and continuous configuration drift.
Balancing Security with Productivity
Deep Freeze is the only solution that effectively balances workstation security with user productivity. By mapping user and application data to a Thawed (unprotected) partition or drive, users are able to store their documents, pictures, music, etc., while still enjoying the total system consistency that Deep Freeze offers.
Flexible Resiliency
Deep Freeze offers flexible scheduling options that enable IT administrators to easily create automated update and maintenance periods. Schedule Deep Freeze to allow system and virus definition updates to occur from predefined times—either with the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console or using your preferred third-party desktop management solution.
Computers in education environments are among the toughest IT environments to manage and secure. The large number of daily users, the limited resources of on-site staff, and the immense number of computers and labs that technology personnel must manage all come together to create an IT 'perfect storm'. IT personnel cannot afford to have computer systems down for long–students use computers in schools to conduct research and complete assignments; instructors need computers to record grades and organize their lessons; administrative staff need their workstations to complete their job function.
Computer Labs
Deep Freeze makes it easy for IT administrators to create bulletproof computer labs that deliver trouble-free computing to instructors and students. Deep Freeze ensures that students are able to use public access computers with the assurance that their session will be free from accidental system misconfiguration, malicious software activity, and incidental system degradation. Personal information is never retained by the computer, which means IT personnel don’t need to worry about desktop computers becoming congested with student projects and files. Computing environments become easier to manage, and expensive computer assets are kept running at 100% capacity.
Deep Freeze's ability to prevent stability degradation ensures that scholastic computer labs are able to provide the same experience over and over again regardless of the user on the desktop–an important prerequisite to successfully teaching a classroom concept.
Administrative Machines
Deep Freeze is not just for student machines; it can also be used on instructor and employee computers. Since Deep Freeze offers flexible options for saving user data, it becomes easy to secure a workstation with total resiliency while still enabling users to save their work. Instructors and staff enjoy the assurance of knowing their computers will never fail them, and IT personnel are freed from having to deal with tedious helpdesk requests.
Deep Freeze ensures that students and staff enjoy a trouble-free library computing experience. Students are able to use library computers with the assurance that their session will be free from malicious software and system slowdowns. IT personnel can rest easy with the knowledge that Deep Freeze makes media computers immune from system slowdowns and software corruption caused by students accessing online media resources during their research.
Sumber : All Is Free
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Designed to help optimize your PC for smoother, more responsive game play in the latest PC games with the touch of a button, Game Booster helps achieve the performance edge previously only available to highly technical enthusiasts.
It works by defragmenting game directories, temporarily shutting down background processes, cleaning RAM, and intensifying processor performance. That means you can keep all the features of operating systems ready for when you need them, but turn them off when you are ready to get down to serious business – gaming.
Works compatible with PunkBuster, Cheating-Death, VAC, and any other anti-cheat software, Game Booster makes it simpler to enjoy the latest games and take your experience to a new level. All systems go!
Key Benefits:
1 Click. Game Booster is extremely easy to use. Its intuitive interface makes Game Booster the perfect tool for complete computer beginner.
Speeds up Game Play. Game Booster gives more CPU and RAM to your games, making your games running at the peak performance.
Defragments Game Files. Game Booster can quickly defragment game directories and files, to make your games load and run faster than ever.
Increases Gaming Stability. Game Booster prevents and avoids possible conflicts and incompatibility, by temporarily closing background processes and unnecessary Windows services.
Safe, Secure, and Free. Game Booster does not overclock your hardware, does not change your Windows Registry and system settings. Game Booster is 100% freeware, without any virus, adware, and spyware.
Operating System: Designed for Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit).
Sumber : All Is Free
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Frame Maker Pro is an imaging and desktop enhancement program that adds impressive frames to digital photos in order to enhance your personal albums, projects, websites or desktop wallpapers with remarkable ease. Through its innovative graphical user interface, you can choose from a variety of frames and add them to your images; full screen preview the result; save your framed images in popular formats for use on your projects; print your framed images. You can create hundreds of original and creative frames and save these frames as presets.
Frame Maker Pro - Features:
• User - friendly interface.
• Supports APS, BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, WMF, EMF.
• The ability to add simple borders, artistic frames and photo edges.
• Allows to adjust color balance, contrast and brightness.
• Allows to apply special effects (sepia, mosaic, wave, etc.)
Sumber : All Is Free
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Buat temen-temen yang kuliah mengambil jurusan elektro, mungkin bisa mencoba aplikasi pembuat diagram atau skema elektronika dengan mudah, yakni EZ Schematics v4.0414 Full Keygen.
Program EZ Schematics v4.0414 ini dirancang oleh seorang tukang listrik industri dengan lebih dari 20 tahun pengalaman, baik tips dan pelatihan dalam kendali logika relay (serupa dalam banyak hal dengan logika PLC). Aplikasi, didirikan dalam format diagram garis, menyediakan pengguna akhir dengan kemampuan untuk dengan cepat dan mudah mengubah konsep-konsep logis menjadi profesional diplayed listrik skematis.
What makes EZ Schematics a better CAD program for producing electrical schematics includes the following:
- Ease of use. There's no other Cad program available that's easier to learn than EZ Schematics.
- Every electrical symbol is created in 1/2" scale increments designed to align perfectly with the default snap (also set at 1/2'), thus making precise placement of the symbols a simple procedure.
- Only symbols pertinent to typical U.S. electrical schematics are available (approx. 60). Thus, there's no waste of time in pouring over thousands of choices.
- When inserting a symbol, smart choice labeling is employed. For example, when inserting a control relay coil, "CR" is automatically attached as the standard beginning label anticipating it to be followed by "1" or "2", etc.
- The "Line" control (the most popular device) becomes readily available by simply double-clicking anywhere in the drawing.
- Labeling the wire numbers is performed easily and precisely. Just click and type at the location of choice.
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Berhubung ada yang Request Shadow Defender ini saya kasih langsung saja ya :D
Nah,, Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share Shadow Defender tentu full versi dan di sertai dengan serial untuk aktivasi.
Cara kerja Shadow Defender sendiri bisa di bilang sama dengan Deep Freeze, namun ada sedikit perbedaan dengan fitur yang ada di Deep Freeze dan Shadow Defender. Berikut kira-kira perbedaan yang terdapat antara Shadow Defender dengan Deep Freeze.
- Kalau menurut saya tampilan Shadow Defender lebih mudah untuk di mengerti, meskipun sebenarnya Dee Freeze pun mudah di mengerti.
- Terdapat fitur Exclusion (pengecualian). Maksudnya seperti ini sob, anda bisa memilih folder/file yang di inginkan agar bisa mengalami perubahan.
- Tidak perlu restart untuk mengaktifkan proteksi (freeze/shadow). Tinggal aktifkan saja Shadow Mode/Normal Mode.
- Prevent all viruses and malware.
- Surf the internet safely and eliminate unwanted traces.
- Protect your privacy.
- Eliminate system downtime and maintenance costs.
- Reboot to restore your system back to its original state.
- Maintain a system free from malicious activity and unwanted changes.
- Test software and game installations in a safe environment.
- Protect against unwanted changes by shared users (suitable for workplaces and educational institutions)
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Image for Windows - allows you to make a "snapshot" of a PC hard disk partition or its part and then save the resulting image on another drive or directly create a bootable CD / DVD-ROM with the necessary information. Thus, in the case of any problems you can always restore from the backup information.
Image for Windows Features
- Total Reliability - Provides the option to verify each and every byte it backs up.
- Convenience - Runs directly from Windows and when used with the free PHYLock™ add-on, it can create a true image of the Windows partition itself, without requiring a reboot.
- Security - Your backups can be secured using simple password protection, or full 256-bit AES encryption.
- Backup Changed Data - Differential backup option allows you to backup only data that has changed since the last full backup was created.
- Simple, Wizard-Driven interface - Easy to use the first time, and every time.
- Maximum Compression - By default, compression is applied to the drive images you create.
- Maximum Speed - If backup speed is paramount, you can bypass compression entirely.
- Optical Drive Support - You can save directly to a CD, DVD, DVD-DL, BD.
- Bootable Rescue Discs - Whenever you save directly to a CD, DVD, DVD-DL, BD, it will automatically become a bootable restore disc.
- Large drive support - GPT compatible supporting drives larger than 2TiB.
- Restore Individual Files or Folders - Using the free TBIView and TBIMount add-ons, you can view the contents of the drive image files, and optionally restore individual files or folders -within them.
- Compatibility - Automatically recognizes and backs up used area of FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, ReiserFS, and XFS partitions. Partitions with other file system types can be backed up in their entirety. Supports all standard partitions in an MBR, EMBR, or GPT
- Windows Servers - Supports both Workstation and Server versions of Windows.
- Cost Effectiveness - Includes Image for DOS, Image for Linux, and TBOSDT at no additional charge, making it a uniquely affordable and complete disk imaging solution.
- Flexibility - Restore partitions, regardless of the file system on the partition being restored. This gives you the power to restore NTFS partitions from Windows 98 or even DOS (as just a couple of examples).
- Wide-Ranging Device Support - Compatible with USB 2 and IEEE 1394 external drives. Better yet, Image for DOS supports these drives directly, without requiring complicated driver installation. (Image for Windows simply uses the drivers already available under Windows.)
- Power - Using Image for DOS or Image for Linux (each of which is included with the purchase of Image for Windows) versions gives you the ability to recover your data, even if Windows won't start.
- Network Support - Save backups to any drive accessible to Windows itself.
- RAID Support - Works seamlessly with on-board hardware- and firmware-based RAID.
- Command Line Support - Powerful, complete command line support is built in, allowing you to automate backup or restore procedures.
- Scheduling - Leverages the built-in Windows scheduler via the simple click of a Schedule Backup button.
- Image File Validation - Allows you to thoroughly check the integrity of the disk image files, either as part of the backup process, or at any time thereafter. TeraByte imaging products are renown for their thorough and accurate validation process.
- Restored Partition Expansion - When restoring an image, you can expand the restored partition to occupy any free space that would be left over.
- Selectable Image File Sizes - If desired, you can specify a maximum size for the disk image files that are created. This allows you to create image files that readily fit on the removable media of your choice.
- Hardware Independent Restore - Restore Windows to completely different hardware and then use the TeraByte OSD Tool Suite to install the drivers required to support the new hardware.
Sumber : All Is Free
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RemoveIT Pro removes many viruses that other popular antivirus software cannot discover. If you can't clean your computer from worms and viruses, adwares and spywares, then you should try with this software. RemoveIT Pro is an easy-to-use security software that allows you to protect your PC.
RemoveIT Pro program is specific because he detects malicious files and viruses that many other popular programs does not detect. It also offers you full report of active processes with full paths and full windows startup list of files that starts on windows startup.
Locate and remove many new dangerous files including Spyware, Malware, Virus, Worm, Trojan and Adware that other popular AV programs cannot find.
Sumber : All Is Free
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Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process. Internet Download Manager reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve better acceleration performance
Sumber : All Is Free
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Butuh software seperti yang digunakan photobox?? Mungkin sobat
Why Popular and Excellent of Plato Photo Booth?
excellent Take Photos by yourself with best quaility:
Plato Photo Booth can let you take photos just at home,like a adhesive sticker machine.
Edit Photos :
It can edit photos through altering the color,frames or add decorration and base map untill your
are satisfited.
Not only save photos on your computer to share with your friends but also can print it out and then put it in the wallet or stick it on your
Key Features of Plato Photo Booth:
- include kinds of background like ocean,flowers..
- Add single frames by yourself..
- edit the photos on your pc in the image editor.
- add decorations to the photos.
- add base pictures to the photos.
- combine the photos as you like.
- capture and print out photos.
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Anti Trojan Elite(ATE) is a malware remover, it can detect and clean malware in disk or memory.Anti Trojan Elite provide a real-time malware firewall for user, once a trojan or keylogger would been loaded, the ATE can detect, block and then clean it in time before it starts. The ATE can detect more than 22000 trojans, worms and keyloggers currently, and the number of malware ATE could clean is growing up very quickly, we collect world-wide malwares, user can using our auto live update feature to get the power to clean these new malwares in time.
Anti Trojan Elite has some useful utilities especially. The network utility can been used to disconnect suspicious TCP connections; The process utility can been used to kill suspicious processes even the process has the system priviage, even it has the ability to unload suspicious modules in all processes; The registry repair utility can been used to repair registry altered by malware; The registry monitor utility can been used to repair any change of important registry keys and values with real time.
- Real-time malware firewall, protecting user's computer in real-time.
- Detecting and cleaning binded malware, doesn't hurt normal file and clean the malware.
- Detecting and cleaning no process malware, some malware don't have a EXE file, they are only some DLL files and running as some threads in other process, ATE can detect and clean this type of malware even it's running.
- Free tools. View the information of Tcp/Ip states and processes informations.
- Disk and memory scan supported.
- Real-time malware firewall.
- Compressed files (RAR ZIP CAB) scan supported.
- Backup module: Backup trojan files before killing.
- Network Manager. View the tcp/udp states and the processes they belonged to. User can disconnect any tcp connection and stop the opposite process.
- Process manager. View the processes and its DLL modules' information. User can terminate any process and unload any DLL module.
- Internet Explorer and registry repair utility.
- Updating online supported, and auto check updates when ATE starts.
- Real-time registry monitor utility.
OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : Multilingual
Sumber : All Is Free
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Earth Alerts is a Windows-based application that allows you to monitor in near real-time a variety of natural hazard events that are occurring anywhere around the world. Alert notifications, reports, and imagery provide the user with a convenient way to view natural phenomenon as they occur, whether close to home or some far-flung corner of the globe!
Earth Alerts uses a variety of online resources provided by organizations such as the National Weather Service, U.S. Geological Survey and Smithsonian Institution (just to name a few), to identify what sort of activities "Mother Earth" is currently dishing out on the planet.
To use Earth Alerts, you simply select the specific natural hazards -- earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, tropical cyclones, wildland fires, landslides, severe weather, local weather, etc. -- and the locations that interest you. Earth Alerts will get the latest information from various live data feeds available on the Internet and present it to you in a convenient arrangement of reports, maps and images.
Here are some key features of "Earth Alerts":
· Global activity overview: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and tropical cyclones (typhoons, hurricanes, tropical storms, tropical depressions and other disturbances)
· Activity for user-selected Global locations (anywhere outside the U.S.): local earthquakes, local weather including current conditions, forecasts and satellite imagery
· United States activity overview: severe weather including special tornado and severe thunderstorm watches, volcanoes, wildland fires (wildfires), and landslide related hazards
· Activity for user-selected United States locations: local earthquakes; local wildland fires; local weather including NWS weather/hazard alerts, current conditions, forecasts and radar/satellite imagery
· Google Earth™ integration provides visualizations of recent earthquake events, volcanoes, tropical cyclones, wildland fires and severe weather warnings. Google Earth™ integration also provides high resolution views of any user-selected U.S. or Global location
· Visual and sound notifications on your Windows desktop identifying active alerts
· Email notifications of active alerts
· Mobile phone text message (SMS) alert notifications of active tsunami watches / warnings, magnitude 5.0+ earthquakes, major volcanic eruptions and tornado warnings.
Sumber : All Is Free
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2 Variations:
- Chillin (Flat Interface; Minimal)
- Chillin3D (Full Shadow, Provides Depth and Perception)
1.) Drag both 'Chillin.theme' and the 'Theme' folder to 'C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\'
2.) Right click on desktop -> Personalize...there you should see in Installed Themes.
Click on it to apply theme.
Sumber : All Is Free
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Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. In Google Chrome, you can get anywhere on the Web with one box. The address bar that sits at the top of the normal Google Chrome window simplifies your Internet experience by doubling as a search box. You can also use it to bookmark websites and stay aware about the security of a website.
Type your search query in the address bar, and it automatically suggests related queries and popular websites, based on your input. (Google Suggest is the default service that provides auto-suggestions unless your default search engine uses an alternate service.)
Visit a webpage
If you know the specific web address you're trying to access, type it directly in the address bar. Press Enter on the keyboard or click the arrow icon to load the webpage. As you type, Google Chrome also automatically searches your browsing history and shows you the number of matches at the bottom of its drop-down menu.
Create a bookmark
If you come across an interesting webpage that you'd like to access again in the future, click the star icon on the browser toolbar to create a bookmark. A bubble confirming the addition of the bookmark appears. To tweak the bookmark's name, edit the text in the 'Name' field. Use the 'Folder' drop-down menu to choose where you want to store the bookmark. Learn more about organizing bookmarks. To tweak the bookmark's URL, click the Edit button. If you accidentally clicked the star icon, you can quickly revert your action by clicking the Remove link. Learn more about deleting bookmarks.
Website security
If Google Chrome detects that the website you're trying to access will securely transmit data using SSL, you'll see the following:
The background color of the address bar changes to gold.
The 'https' in the URL appears in green for websites with SSL-secured connections established.
A lock icon appears at the end of the address bar.
If a SSL-secured connection cannot be established, then you'll see an alert icon at the end of the address bar, among other possible browser warnings. You can click the icon to open the 'Security information' dialog box and see more information.
Size (RAR): 28 Mb
2% recovery record
Sumber : All Is Free
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Discreetmail can be run from a floppy or CD to use on any computer or installed on your own computer. It starts up very quickly and allows the user to send emails using any email address you like as the sender. When the recipient receives the email, they will see that it has been sent from an email address you specified before sending. You can also encrypt emails before you send and NOBODY is able to decrypt them without a special code you previously chose. You can also encrypt files and other images to keep them 100% secure and away from prying eyes! Great for sending anonymous emails or impersonating an email address and keeping your files completely private! It is password protected so nobody is able to use the software without the correct password. Attachments can be encrypted and added to emails and they can be saved for later retrieval. Version 3.0 will also auto detect your mail server address or the recipients mail server address so setting up and sending emails couldn't be easier.
Sumber : All Is Free
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Logo creation made easy with logo design software. Create attractive and professional logos with just a few clicks!
1800+ predesigned stunning logo templates.
5000 beautifully designed vector graphics.
300+ fonts and ready text styles for logo creation.
Export in TIFF, PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF, PDF and Vector EPS formats.
Apply color adjustments, filters and various effects.
Enhanced! 1500 high quality Logo templates
Now, you can choose from 1500 pre- designed templates. Logosmartz has added a wide collection of high quality, professionally designed logo templates.
4000 high quality vector graphic symbols
You have access to over 4000 high quality vector graphic symbols and over a 100 fonts while creating a logo.
Enhanced! Pre defined Text Styles
With Logosmartz you can also use predefined text styles such as arc text, concave text etc which can be readily applied to text.
New! Filters
Logosmartz comes with filters like grayscale, invert, sharpen, emboss and water to provide special effects to your logo elements.
New! Fill with picture
This unique functionality allows you to mask any image to the selected symbol, shape or text.
Easily customizable, add special effects to text and symbols
The new LogoSmartz offers various incredible effects that you can apply to text and symbols. Blur effect has been added to Logosmartz. The existing effects include Gradient effects, Shadow effects, Bevel effects, and Outline effects. Using these, you can create many distinct logo options.
Import Fonts
You can import your system fonts to Logosmartz and use them as and when you like.
With the new Layers feature you can control the position of various objects in your logo; you can place a more important object over the other and create different effects.
New! Arrangement tools
Logosmartz comes with 3 arrangement tools, send backward and bring forward by one layer, group and ungroup, 6 alignment options which will assist you in arranging your logo elements.
New! Color palettes
Now, access 9 different Color palettes in Logosmartz. RGB palettes: Standard, Pastels, Primary, Metallic & Vivid AND CMYK palettes: Primary, Spectrum, Pastels and Dark shades . Apply colors to the logo objects from any Color Palette.
New! Color Picker
Use Color Picker tool to apply any desired color from the screen on your Logo.
Color Adjustments
Color Adjustments include Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Hue properties .You can adjust these for text, symbols, shapes and images.
New! Blur
You can apply Blur effect on your logo objects and create a distinct logo.
New! Transparency
You can provide transparency effect to text, image, symbol or shape.
New! Flip
Flip vertical and horizontal feature can help you in designing an innovative logo.
New! Save Logo project as Template
You can save your designed logo as template in software; hence you can easily access your logo design in future from the templates itself!
New! Send Logo as Email
With Logosmartz, you can share your logo with others via E-mail as attachment.
New! Add Grid and Ruler
You can work on your logo more precisely with the help of view tools such as grid and ruler.
LogoSmartz predefined Color Styles
For convenience; LogoSmartz offers several predefined color styles that you can apply on logo symbols, shapes, text, and images. By applying these textures you can create various remarkable variations of your logo in no time. You can try as many styles before you finalize the one that you find most suitable for your logo. You can also customize these styles by replacing colors and changing opacity of fills etc.
Lock and Hide
Lock feature will allow you to lock the position of the objects that you do not want to change during designing process. Later these objects can be unlocked. On the other hand hide feature will hide the object which you do not want to appear on the logo during designing process. Later these objects can be unhidden.
Tagline Resource
Add taglines to your logo, from our huge tagline resource
Enhanced! Upload and customize Images to create your custom Logo
You can also import an image in PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP and TIFF formats of any size and dimensions for logo creation. You can resize the image and use it as per your need.
Enhanced! Customizing the Stage
Customize the height and width of your stage as per your requirement .You can add color to the stage or fill it with image.
Lines and arcs
Logosmartz now allows you to create lines of any size, thickness and color, and even dashed lines. You provide arc to a line and customize it.
Enhanced! Logo Output is in 7 formats and in any size you want
Logosmartz 8.0 has Your logo becomes available to you in TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, PDF, BMP and Vector EPS. Vector EPS is a high resolution vector format ideal for printing while GIFs and JPEGs are low resolution and ideal for the Web. The TIFF and PNG are lossless formats that give high clarity output.
Create transparent Logos LogoSmartz allows you to create Transparent logos in PNG and GIF formats.
LogoSmartz Online Tutorial
To help you design logos using Logosmartz logo designing software, we have added an online tutorial.
LogoSmartz has multi-lingual support
Logosmartz application is geared to handle English, French and Spanish
Sumber : All Is Free
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ZoneAlarm Pro - a well-known firewall designed to protect your computer from threats of all kinds at work on the Internet and local networks. The program provides excellent protection on the basis of the firewall, including the possibility of completely disconnect all network and Internet activity. Firewall has flexible configuration rules, which can be configured individually or use the preset rules. Filter Application (Access List), allows you to set access rights to the network for each program. There is a possibility of instantaneous automatic or manual blocking of access applications on the Internet. The program monitors incoming and outgoing mail, and can rename potentially dangerous attachments and put them in quarantine. Number of outgoing mail can be restricted to prevent mass mailings when infecting a computer, e-mail worms.
ZoneAlarm Pro also supports validation of digital signatures is a detailed log of events and has the means to analyze, with the subsequent issuance of textual and graphical information. Program features customizable control cookies, blocking the transfer of personal information about users on the Web-sites. Function block banner ads and pop-ups can get rid of annoying advertising, that are sensitive accelerates page loading speed.
Firewall triple protection:
- Goes beyond traditional PC firewalls to protect the entire PC from hackers, spyware and other Internet threats
- Blocks hackers, not giving them access to your computer
- Automatically makes your computer invisible on the Internet
- Spyware, preventing them from sending personal information over the Internet Users
- Protects the program and the operating system from malicious software
Powerful AntiSpyware:
- Scans and removes thousands of spyware traces from your computer
- Automatically removes the most dangerous viruses and useless to the user spyware
- "Clean" legal software monitoring (for example, Cookies for Web sites, which are often used)
Service protection (SmartDefense Service):
- Provides a PC user to a security update in real time and new ways to protect against attacks
- SmartDefense Adviser automatically delivers new models of spyware and viruses on the PC user for a modern defense
- DefenseNet supports the safety of PC, constantly renewing the base spyware and malware using the ZoneAlarm user community
Enhanced protection of personal data and privacy:
- Protects against theft of personal data and online backup
- Prevents the spread of personal user data from his computer without his consent
- Automatically stops pop-ads
Sumber : All Is Free
NB : Klik Gambar Buat Download
Untuk saat ini saya masih mengandalkan Your Uninstaller Pro untuk aktivitas uninstall program-program yang sudah tidak lagi saya gunakan. Dengan Your Uninstaller PRO v7.3.2011.2, proses uninstall pun menjadi lebih mudah, dan tentu hasilnya maksimal, karena menghapus sampai ke akar-akarnya, jadi bener-bener clean.
Cara aktivasi Your Uninstaller PRO v7.3.2011.2 :
- Install Your Uninstaller PRO v7.3.2011.2
- Sehabis install, jangan di jalankan (uncheck launch)
- Copy dan paste file patch yang ada di folder patch ke folder tempat anda menginstall YU2010. Misal : C:\Program files\Your Uninstaller 2010
- Klik kanan file patch "run administrator" dan klik patch.
- Jalankan keymaker (run as administrator juga)
- Jalankan Your Uninstaller PRO v7.3.2011.2, kemudian masukan key (enter key) yang di hasilkan oleh keymaker.
- Selesai, kini Your Uninstaller PRO v7.3.2011.2 sudah full versi
Sumber : Remo-Xp
NB : Klik Gambar Buat Download
Mengenalkan komputer dan internet kepada anak-anak memang perlu di lakukan oleh para orang tua sejak dini, akan tetapi kita juga perlu mengawasi anak-anak selama bermain di komputer, khusunys internet. Nah, untuk itu mungkin bapak/ibu membutuhkan aplikasi yang satu ini, yakni Anti-Porn v16.0.6.1 Full Patch.
Anti-Porn merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang secara khusus dibuat untuk memblokir situs-situs yang mengandung pornografi, memblokir akses ke file game, chat dll. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini, kita juga bisa memberi jadwal kapan game dan chat bisa di jalankan.
Main features:
- Block porn web sites
- Anti-porn blocks thousands of porn web sites and predatory words.You also can predefine thing you don't let kids to see, for example, web site and offensive words.At the same time, you can control the filtering accuracy.
- Limit internet chat
- Anti-porn can limit many popular chatting softwares and web chat chambers.
- Limit internet access by day and time
- You can easily assign internet access time at certain hours, even on specific day.A special feature of Anti-Porn is that the PC time will be calibrate as Greenwich Time.
- Keep a complete log of the computer history
- Anti-porn keeps a detail log of all web sites visited, blocked or not.
- Record traffic data for an overview of internet use
- You can take an inventory of your children's computer, and find all pictures, movies, music files and web pages.
- Commend trusted web sites
- Anti-porn has commended several websites, which are fit for children. You also can add in any others.
- Any PC running Windows 95/98/2000, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows XP or Windows 7.
- 16 MB RAM and 600KB of free hard disk space.
- A mouse or other tracking device.
- High Color display is recommended.
- Install anti porn
- sehabi di install, jangan di jalankan, di close aja.
- Copy da paste file patch ke C:\Program Files\tuEagles. (WARNING : File patch di anggap trojan, jadi disable dulu antivirus yang anda gunakan)
- Klik kanan file patch, run as administrator untuk pengguna windows vista dan 7, untuk windows xp, klik 2x aja file patch nya.
- Klik patch, tunggu hingga bacaan sukses dan done.
- Jalankan anti porn
- Selesai
Sumber : Remo-Xp
Apakah Bluescreen itu? Blue screen of death (BSOD, Bahasa Inggris: Layar Biru Kematian), atau kadang disebut "layar biru" (bluescreen) saja adalah istilah populer untuk layar yang ditampilkan Microsoft Windows ketika mengalami kesalahan sistem (atau disebut stop error oleh Microsoft). BSOD milik Windows NT, 2000, XP, atau Vista biasanya lebih serius daripada Windows sebelumnya. Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan munculnya BSOD ini. Diantaranya driver peralatan yang tidak bagus, kesalahan memori, registry yang rusak atau penggunaan file DLL yang tidak cocok. Berbagai bentuk BSOD terdapat pada seluruh sistem operasi Windows sejak Windows 3.1. BSOD merupakan pengganti black screen of death (layar hitam kematian) yang muncul pada OS/2 dan MS-DOS.[1] Dalam versi awal dari Windows Vista juga terdapat red screen of death atau layar merah kematian, yang digunakan pada kesalahan boot loader. sumber wikipedia
Kerusakan ini biasanya terjadi saat booting dan muncul beberapa pesan yang muncul seperti di bawah ini:
* DATA_BUS_ERROR : kerusakan ini karena memori di motherboard rusak, solusinya bersihkan memori slot dari debu/kotoran yang melekat
* Machine_Check_exeption: Hal ini karena cacatnya CPU karena over-clock secara agresif, dan power supply yang kekurangan daya/rusak, solusinya kembalikan BIOS ke setting standar (default)
* NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM, FAT_FILE_SYSTEM (0X00000024) atau(0X000000023): karena adanya kerusajan pad partisi atau file sistem. Solusinya cek kabel data hard disk , perbaiki pin yang kendor atau bengkok.
* This error can occur if the Kernel32.dll file isi missing or damaged: Pesan ini karena kerusakan file kernel32.dll solusinya perbaiki Windows dari master Windows
* IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (0X0000000A):pesan ini karena driver yg terinstall tidak kompatibel, atau permasalaha VGA card seperti overclock melebihi batas.. atau bisa jadi karena driver lama kita belum di hapus
* INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE : Pesan ini karena disebakan adanya virus boot sector atau driver controller yang crash, solusinya , periksa konfigurasi jumper hard disk (master/salve), dan bersihkan virus denganc ara men-scanhard disk di komputer lain.
* BAD_POOL_CALLER: pesan ini karena driver tidak kompatibel dengan sistem. bisanya karena saat intstalasi windows xp dengan cara upgrade. Solusinya buang aplikasi antivirus dan lepas device yang menempel pada motherboard
* PEN_LIST_CORRUPT : adanya kerusakan pada memori, solusinya bersihkan memori dan slotnya. Jika tetaperror ganti memori
* VIDEO_DRIVER_INIT_FAILURE : karena keslahan instaliasi driver video card atau driver yang tidak update. Solusinya uninstall driver yang lama , kemudian instal ulang driver video card yang baru.
Tips membersihkan RAM atau mempercepat RAM komputer tanpa restart windows.
Mungkin bagi para master merupakan hal yang biasa, jadi tips ini buat yang belum biasa aja dech he..he..
Terkadang, komputer kita bakal menjadi lambat setelah beberapa lama dipakai. Apalagi kalo kita banyak menggunakan software yang berat2 seperti Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Sony Soundforge dsb.
Biasanya setelah kita pakai aplikasi tersebut, komputer kita terasa lambat. Kemungkinan itu terjadi karena masih ada bekas data yang tersimpan dalam RAM, sehingga komputer kita pun jadi lambat. Salah satu cara untuk membersihkan RAM adalah dengan merestart komputer terlebih dahulu. Tapi kayanya ribet banget ya?
Gue punya cara yang lebih simpel yang bisa dilakuin oleh semua kalangan, awam maupun mahir. Perhatikan caranya di bawah ini:
1. Klik kanan mouse di desktop, pilih New - Shortcut.
2. Ketik %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks pada kolom isian yang muncul.
3. Klik Next.
4. Beri nama shortcut tadi, nama yang dapat diberikan bebas sesuai keinginan kamu, atau kamu lewat aja, namanya otomatis jadi rundll32.exe.
5. Klik Finish.
Kapan aja komputer kamu terasa lambat, klik shortcut yang udah kamu buat tadi untuk membersihkan RAM. Sebetulnya prinsip kerjanya mungkin sama aja kaya RAM Booster atau aplikasi sejenisnya, tapi ga kalah ko seperti software2 lainnya. Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.
NB : Klik Gambar Buat Download
WinRAR is a 32-bit / 64-bit Windows version of RAR Archiver, the powerful archiver and archive manager. WinRAR's main features are very strong general and multimedia compression, solid compression, archive protection from damage, processing of ZIP and other non-RAR archives, scanning archives for viruses, programmable self-extracting archives(SFX), authenticity verification, NTFS and Unicode support, strong AES encryption, support of multivolume archives, command line and graphical interface, drag-and-drop facility, wizard interface, theme support, folder tree panel, multithread support and Windows x64 shell integration. WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack and convert CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, Z, 7-Zip archives. WinRAR is available in over 40 languages.
- Using WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression by consistently making smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.
- WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives.
- WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface.
- WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special "Wizard" mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure. This avoids confusion in the early stages of use.
- WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits.
- WinRAR supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. The number of archived files is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.
- WinRAR offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives.
Recovery record and recovery volumes allow to reconstruct even physically damaged archives.
- WinRAR features are constantly being developed to keep WinRAR ahead of the pack.
Sumber : All Is Free
Bosen dengan tampilan CMD yang seperti ini:

kalau jawaban anda “ya” silahkan siapkan alat-alat ini:
2.Komputer atau laptop dengan OS WINDOWS XP SP II
Kalau jawaban anda “tidak” silahkan tutup browser anda
Oke lanjut… sebagai persiapan ketik code berikut di notepad:
@echo off title ni9ht kni9ht system cls echo. echo ###########################################################################? echo ## Biarlah kami mendapatkan ilmu layaknya kalian, karena ilmu merupakan ## echo ## salah satu kebebasan bagi kami, ## echo ## jangan biarkan masih ada orang yang menangis hanya karena tidak bisa ## echo ## membayar untuk mendapatkan ilmu ## echo ###########################################################################? echo ## ABOUT ME: ## echo ## ## echo ## * Name : JohnBrotha ## echo ## * Mail : johntravolta96@ymail.com ## echo ## * Web : Johnsoftware.blogspot.com ## echo ## * machine : komputer ram 504 MB HDD: 80 GB core to duo ## echo ## laptop HP ram 1 GB HDD: 100 GB core to duo ## echo ## ## echo ###########################################################################? echo ## Knowledge is just like a two-edged sword, use it wisely ## echo ###########################################################################?
silahkan berkreasi sendiri,, save to direktori C:/ dengan nama system.bat
code ke-dua. Tetap buka notepad lalu CTRL+N.. ketikan code ini:
REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor] "AutoRun"="@echo off|call c:\\system.bat"
Save to direktori terserah:/ dengan nama system.reg
Klik 2x sile system.reg dan Lihat

Sekian tutorial dari saya, semoga berguna…
NB : Klik Gambar Buat Download
Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mencoba share software yang sangat menarik, karena dengan bantuan software ini, kita dapat menggerakan cursor mouse hanya dengan tangan (jari) dan kepala atau yang lainnya. Penasarankan?? Cekidot,,
Software unik ini bernama EViacam. EViacam merupakan software gratis dan open source yang berfungsi untuk menggerakan cursor mouse dengan sebuah tangan atau kepala dengan memanfaatkan sensor dari webcam.
Ketika saya coba menggunakan software EViacam ini, kesan pertama sumpah keren banget dan asyik banget, mungkin karena baru pertama kali ya, jadi merasa gimana gitu. Sekian lama saya coba gerakan kesana, gerakan kesitu, lama-lama pegel juga tangan saya sob, masih enakan menggunakan maouse. Hehehe
Kekurangan :
- Saya belum menemukan bagaimana caranya untuk klik kanan seperti di mouse.
- Terkadang saya bisa melakukan klik, tapi terkadang juga tidak bisa.
- Masih sulit untuk mengkontrolnya, mungkin kedepannya akan lebih baik lagi.
- Kadang-kadang suka bentrok, antara gerakan kepala sama tangan.
- Dan rasakan sendiri aja,, :D
Sumber : Remo-Xp
Saya adalah Seorang anak muda berumur 16 tahun yang sebentar lagi 17 tahun di bulan juni ini saya dahalu punya blog juga ini blog ketiga saya blog lama saya semua tentang cheat saya bosen posting cheat jadi saya pindah aliran ke software kenapa saya pindah? karena kalau software itu tidak akan mati sedangkan cheat pasti ada pasang surutnya jadi saya harap dengan membuat blog Software Gratis ini bisa bermanfaat buat masbro :D regards JohnBrotha
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