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Logo creation made easy with logo design software. Create attractive and professional logos with just a few clicks!
1800+ predesigned stunning logo templates.
5000 beautifully designed vector graphics.
300+ fonts and ready text styles for logo creation.
Export in TIFF, PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF, PDF and Vector EPS formats.
Apply color adjustments, filters and various effects.
Enhanced! 1500 high quality Logo templates
Now, you can choose from 1500 pre- designed templates. Logosmartz has added a wide collection of high quality, professionally designed logo templates.
4000 high quality vector graphic symbols
You have access to over 4000 high quality vector graphic symbols and over a 100 fonts while creating a logo.
Enhanced! Pre defined Text Styles
With Logosmartz you can also use predefined text styles such as arc text, concave text etc which can be readily applied to text.
New! Filters
Logosmartz comes with filters like grayscale, invert, sharpen, emboss and water to provide special effects to your logo elements.
New! Fill with picture
This unique functionality allows you to mask any image to the selected symbol, shape or text.
Easily customizable, add special effects to text and symbols
The new LogoSmartz offers various incredible effects that you can apply to text and symbols. Blur effect has been added to Logosmartz. The existing effects include Gradient effects, Shadow effects, Bevel effects, and Outline effects. Using these, you can create many distinct logo options.
Import Fonts
You can import your system fonts to Logosmartz and use them as and when you like.
With the new Layers feature you can control the position of various objects in your logo; you can place a more important object over the other and create different effects.
New! Arrangement tools
Logosmartz comes with 3 arrangement tools, send backward and bring forward by one layer, group and ungroup, 6 alignment options which will assist you in arranging your logo elements.
New! Color palettes
Now, access 9 different Color palettes in Logosmartz. RGB palettes: Standard, Pastels, Primary, Metallic & Vivid AND CMYK palettes: Primary, Spectrum, Pastels and Dark shades . Apply colors to the logo objects from any Color Palette.
New! Color Picker
Use Color Picker tool to apply any desired color from the screen on your Logo.
Color Adjustments
Color Adjustments include Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Hue properties .You can adjust these for text, symbols, shapes and images.
New! Blur
You can apply Blur effect on your logo objects and create a distinct logo.
New! Transparency
You can provide transparency effect to text, image, symbol or shape.
New! Flip
Flip vertical and horizontal feature can help you in designing an innovative logo.
New! Save Logo project as Template
You can save your designed logo as template in software; hence you can easily access your logo design in future from the templates itself!
New! Send Logo as Email
With Logosmartz, you can share your logo with others via E-mail as attachment.
New! Add Grid and Ruler
You can work on your logo more precisely with the help of view tools such as grid and ruler.
LogoSmartz predefined Color Styles
For convenience; LogoSmartz offers several predefined color styles that you can apply on logo symbols, shapes, text, and images. By applying these textures you can create various remarkable variations of your logo in no time. You can try as many styles before you finalize the one that you find most suitable for your logo. You can also customize these styles by replacing colors and changing opacity of fills etc.
Lock and Hide
Lock feature will allow you to lock the position of the objects that you do not want to change during designing process. Later these objects can be unlocked. On the other hand hide feature will hide the object which you do not want to appear on the logo during designing process. Later these objects can be unhidden.
Tagline Resource
Add taglines to your logo, from our huge tagline resource
Enhanced! Upload and customize Images to create your custom Logo
You can also import an image in PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP and TIFF formats of any size and dimensions for logo creation. You can resize the image and use it as per your need.
Enhanced! Customizing the Stage
Customize the height and width of your stage as per your requirement .You can add color to the stage or fill it with image.
Lines and arcs
Logosmartz now allows you to create lines of any size, thickness and color, and even dashed lines. You provide arc to a line and customize it.
Enhanced! Logo Output is in 7 formats and in any size you want
Logosmartz 8.0 has Your logo becomes available to you in TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, PDF, BMP and Vector EPS. Vector EPS is a high resolution vector format ideal for printing while GIFs and JPEGs are low resolution and ideal for the Web. The TIFF and PNG are lossless formats that give high clarity output.
Create transparent Logos LogoSmartz allows you to create Transparent logos in PNG and GIF formats.
LogoSmartz Online Tutorial
To help you design logos using Logosmartz logo designing software, we have added an online tutorial.
LogoSmartz has multi-lingual support
Logosmartz application is geared to handle English, French and Spanish
Sumber : All Is Free
Selasa, 07 Juni 2011
Software Gratis
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join says:
Bro minta tolong cara pke patch nya bijimana? kok masih g bisa/trial..